Ask The Nuwaupians, What Is 9 Ether? (2024)

Question: Ask The Nuwaupians, What Is 9 Ether?
Answer: They'll either say it's black people's hair or ethric beings.

Beginning in 1990, Malachi York began to teach a new line of talking points for his followers, this was called, "9 ether". It was first mentioned at a 1991 lecture, and released on a video called "Elohim", where York get's into this 9 ether talk by first claiming it to be a gas-like people and from there he plays the phonetics game by saying, gases equates to Jesus.

"...we didn't worship theories because we were etherians, see, ether = atheist, we were etherians and we were the gases people, if you look at the word gases and change that 'G' which is the ancient language which from a g in Hebrew we say 'Gimel', in Arabic you say 'Jiym', right, take the word GAS, and put the Jiym there and what do you get? say it, Gases, say gases, now Hebrew it's 'Gha' (Gimel), in Arabic it's 'Jah', put the 'Ja', where the G is at 'Jases' = 'Jesus', it's a spirit, a spirit belief..."

-Malachi York: Elohim (video)

Ask The Nuwaupians, What Is 9 Ether? (1)

This convoluted mix of double talk was York's introduction and indoctrination into his "9 ether" hypothosis. As the video progresses, York then attempts to link gas and ether into the texture of human hair.

"...we had the 9 ether, you understand, and what the 9 ether is the texture of your hair, because your hair comes out the follicles and forms the number 9, his comes out the follicles and forms the number 6, and 9 to the ninth power is the highest number on the universe, which makes us infinite..."

-Malachi York: Elohim (video)

Ask The Nuwaupians, What Is 9 Ether? (2)

York's above image of 9 and 6 ether hair was a lie, and proven to be a doctored drawing.

Ask The Nuwaupians, What Is 9 Ether? (3)

For more information on the 9 ether drawing, see question 87

The cartoon below is one of the so-called"Etherians", taken from page 110 of "Man From Planet Rizq"

Ask The Nuwaupians, What Is 9 Ether? (4)

"The Etherians are crystal light energy from ILLYUWN and can take on the form of anything. The word 'IGIGI' is a title used for those that stayed in the ships and were your Etherians."

-Malachi York: Man From Planet Rizq pg. 109

So what exactly is "Nine Ether" according to York, his comment below leave no doubts.

"Nine ether is a combination of all existing gases of nature. Nothing anywhere can be as powerful as all the existing gases...therefore, 9 ether is the most potent power in all the boundless universes, 9 ether beings utilized the forces that yield energy...Nine ether then personified themselves as flesh and blood beings, they became human beings from Atom to Adam. There are two kinds of ether - nine ether and 6 ether in human form. 9 ether, Negroid, produced 6 ether, Caucasians, and 6 ether produced ghost; death, not to be mistaken with the ethers of hair, that range from 6, 7, 8, and 9 in hair texture, from flat to hollow to round."

-Malachi York: Holy Tablets Chapter 1 Tablet 1:16-23

And the nonsense goes on and on and on. This psycho babble is just that, more psychological babble. Other than York giving lip service, he's never shown evidence to prove any of the above comments. York was a master at deception, a cunning career con artist. It's worth noting that the following information predates York, and in no way can any of his cult members claim that they took the term "ETHER" from him.

What Is Aether?

Ether (n.)

late 14th century, "upper regions of space", from old French ether (12c.) and directly from Latin aether "the upper pure, bright air; sky, firmament, from Greek aither" upper air; bright, purer air; the sky (opposed to aer "the lower air"), from aithein "to burn, shine,".

In ancient cosmology, the element that filled all space beyond the sphere of the stars and moon, constituting the substance of the stars and the planets. Conceived of as a purer form of fire or air, of as a fifth element. From the 17th century - the 19th century, it was the scientific word for an assumed "frame of reference" for forces in the universe, perhaps without material properties. This concept was shaken by the Michelson-Morley experiment (1887) and discarded early 20th century after the Theory of Relativity won acceptance.

-Online Etymology Dictionary

In 1887, two physics majors, Albert Michelson and Edward Morley theorized and because it was generally believed in physicists at the time that just as water waves must have a medium to move across water, and audible sound waves require a medium to move through air, so also light waves require a medium, which was called the "Luminiferous" "Aether" (i.e. light-bearing).

Ask The Nuwaupians, What Is 9 Ether? (5)

Physicists had calculated that, as the Earth moved in it's orbit around the Sun, the flow of the ether across the Earth's surface could produce a detectable "ETHER WIND". Unless for some reason the ether were always stationary with respect to the Earth, the speed of a beam of light emitted from a source on Earth would depend on the magnitude of the ether wind and on the direction of the beam with respect to it. The idea of the experiment was to measure the speed of the ether relative to Earth, thus establishing it's existence.

"...Aether, they theorized, is an invisible nothingness that permeates the universe, it's only physical property is that it allows light to propagate through it, but once precise measurements of the speed of light became possible, testing the predicted effects of aether on the speed of light, became possible as well"

-UNDAUNTED: The Forgotten Giants of the Allegheny Observatory

Astrophysicist, author, cosmologist and science communicator Dr.Neil deGrasse Tyson, explained in a documentary, the Michelson-Morley experiment.

Ask The Nuwaupians, What Is 9 Ether? (6)

(click on the link below for details)

After researching, reading the history and origins of what aether (ether) is, it's absolutely 100% certain, it has nothing to do with "Negroid - Caucasians hair", it's NOT "a combination of all "existing gases" or a group of spooky-pseudo "beings" called "Etherians"!

This is one of the many made up stories and definitions by Malachi York who has attempted to rewrite history and innovate a new concept based on a fallacy. He has been the most famous and most popular promoter of Pseudoism by way of his publications, audio and video lectures for profit, which are posted and spread online. York's teachings can kill intellectual progress if you're not aware.

Ask The Nuwaupians, What Is 9 Ether? (2024)
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