Digimon World: Next Order - Complete Guide To Food (2024)

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When taking care of your Digimon, it's important to make sure they get plenty of rest, opportunities to visit the bathroom, and lots of food to keep them healthy. Food plays a big part in Digimon World: Next Order, not just there to satisfy the hunger pangs, but also to help boost your Digimon's stat growth.

RELATED: Digimon World: Next Order - Things We Wish We Knew Before Playing

Making sense of all the different food and drink is a tall order given that each item has a unique effect on your Digimon. There are plenty of buffs, stat increases, and even food that will alter the weight of your monster friend. Don't start your training session without this knowledge.


Digimon World: Next Order - Complete Guide To Food (1)

Vegetables can be found in all areas of the open world outside Floatia and are perfect for training sessions. The majority of the veggies available will bestow bonuses to your training roulette wheel, giving you 1.25x the XP from the training.




TRAINING: Improves MP and STR

Sakura Bird Radish

TRAINING: Improves HP and SPD

Obscure Onion

TRAINING: Improves STA and WIS

Drizzle Cabbage

TRAINING: Slightly improves HP, MP, and STR

Lowers Digimon weight by 1

Soft Gold Pumpkin

TRAINING: Slightly improves STR, STA, and WIS

Increases Digimon weight by 1

Spotted Tomato

TRAINING: Slightly improves HP, WIS, and SPD

Lowers Digimon weight by 1

Jaguar Potato

TRAINING: Really improves STR

Kamon Aubergine

TRAINING: Slightly improves ALL stats.


Reduces Digimon weight by 2. Reduces discipline


TRAINING: Greatly improves MP and WIS.

MP +20, WIS +15

Reduces Digimon weight by 5. Reduces discipline


Digimon World: Next Order - Complete Guide To Food (2)

Meat can be grown on farms or won from battles and is generally used to fill up your Digimon, or alter their weight. It's an ideal food for improving or stabilising a Digimon's mood. The rarer and more valuable meat will give a nice boost to your stats, too.




Raises Digimon weight by 1

Improves mood

Hunk of Meat

Raises Digimon weight by 3

Improves mood

Best Meat

Raises Digimon weight by 2

Improves mood, and strengthens bond

Increases STR stat +3

Well Done Meat

Raises Digimon weight by 3

Improves mood

Increases HP stat +10

Rotten Meat

Raises Digimon weight by 1

Happiness is worse

Marbled Beef

Raises Digimon weight by 3

Improves mood

Increases STR stat +5

Cube Meat

Raises Digimon weight by 2

Improves mood, strengthens bond

Increases MP stat +10, STR stat +2

Steel Meat

Raises Digimon weight by 2

Improves mood

Increases STA +5

Colourful Meat

Raises Digimon weight by 2

Improves mood, strengthens bond

Increases HP +30, MP +10, STR +3, STA +3, WIS +1, SPD +1


Digimon World: Next Order - Complete Guide To Food (3)

Another weight-altering food is the fungi group, which oddly features coriander and scratchy grass, too. Many of the fungi foodstuffs impact the stats, mood, and general well-being of a Digimon.




Reduces Digimon weight by 1

Green Digistalk

Reduces Digimon weight by 1

Frostcut Mushroom

Reduces Digimon weight by 3

Increases MP + 50, SPD +2

Unlucky Mushroom

Reduces Digimon weight by 2

Increases MP +50, STR +1, STA +1, WIS +1, SPD +1

Inflicts sickness

Deluxe Mushroom

Reduces Digimon weight by1

Improves mood

Increases MP +100

Fighty Fungus

Reduces Digimon weight by 3

Improves happiness

Increases STR +10

Celebration Nameko

Reduces Digimon weight by 3

Improves mood

Increases STA +8, WIS +7, SPD +6


Reduces Digimon weight by 1

Increases STR +1

Scratchy Grass

Reduces Digimon weight by 2

Worsens mood


Digimon World: Next Order - Complete Guide To Food (4)

Nuts are an odd group as each nut has the same effect; to improve Digifriend values and reduce discipline. Of course, they still go some way to filling the Digimon's belly, too.



Salty Fruit

Digifriend Value improves

Reduces discipline

Quick Fruit

Digifriend Value improves

Reduces discipline

Acrid Fruit

Digifriend Value improves

Reduces discipline

Rolly Fruit

Digifriend Value improves

Reduces discipline

Duty Fruit

Digifriend Value improves

Reduces discipline

Dozy Fruit

Digifriend Value improves

Reduces discipline

Az Fruit

Digifriend Value improves

Reduces discipline

Cobb Fruit

Digifriend Value improves

Reduces discipline

Oily Fruit

Digifriend Value improves

Reduces discipline


Digimon World: Next Order - Complete Guide To Food (5)

Available from vending machines and battles, drinks focus on stat increases and healing. If you find yourself with money to burn, it's worth grabbing plenty of drinks to give your Digimon's stats a steady increase.



Digital Ion Water

Increases SPD +1

Neon Drink

Increases WIS +1

File Soda

Raises Digimon weight by 1

Recovers 500MP


Increases STR +1

Hot Water

Increases STA +1

Absolute Zero Water

Recovers 500HP

Triangular Milk

Raises Digimon weight by 1

Increases STA +1

Deep Sea Essence

Increases WIS +1, SPD +1

Phantom Nectar

Recovers 1000HP, 1000MP

Extends Digimon's life


Digimon World: Next Order - Complete Guide To Food (6)

Once you have a fishing rod, you'll be able to stop at many of the bodies of water throughout the world and cast a line. Fishing relies on a button press once the 'Exclamation Icon' lights up. Better bait will attract rarer fish, which can then be fed to your Digimon. You're looking at lots of stat boosts here, particularly for the super rare fish.

All fish improve both Digimon mood and increase the value of Digifriend




Increases STA +1, WIS +2


Increases WIS +2, SPD +4


Increases MP +10, WIS +1


Increases STR +3, WIS +3, SPD +2


Increases STA +3, WIS +2, SPD +1


Increases HP +100, WIS +3, SPD +6


Increases MP +100, WIS +6, SPD +3

Black Digitrout

Increases STR +5, STA +5, SPD +10


Increases MP +50, WIS +4


Increases STA +6, WIS +2


Increases STR +5, WIS +5


Increases WIS +3, SPD +6


Increases STR +15, WIS +3


Increases HP +100, WIS +10

Extends Digimon's life


Increases HP +100, MP +100, STR +10, STA +10, WIS +5, SPD +5

NEXT: Digimon: What Is The X-Antibody?

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Digimon World: Next Order - Complete Guide To Food (2024)


How to give food to Digimon World: Next Order? ›

Okay, you feed them by pressing Square, choosing Item, and selecting food. You can only do this if they're hungry (meat symbol). Fatigue (sweat symbol) is not sleepiness (zzz symbol). You can rest with the Gigimon in the gym, and you sleep using the Square menu.

What food lowers discipline in Digimon World: Next Order? ›

Nut. Ingredients that are single seeded hard shelled fruits, noted for their commonly boxed, round, or cylindrical shape. They can be found generally everywhere in the world and only serve to lower Discipline unless they are cooked.

How to get more meat in Digimon next order? ›

You get extra one slot to plant every time you upgrade the agricultural field. If you need more meat, you can plant the same thing in each slot. You got 5 slot at the max. That means 40 meats every day.

What is the lifespan of Digimon in next order? ›

Digimon World: Next Order Trophy Guide

The average lifespan of a Digimon from Baby to Mega form is 20 years on Easy Mode and 15 years on Hard mode. It is unlikely your first partners will reach this age because Digimon who do not meet the stats to Digivolve will die at the end of their total days.

How much life does rainbow drink give? ›

You can eat Rainbow Drink 5 times a meal, and it costs 5,000bits. You can eat it about 17 or 18 times a day, gaining 17 or 18 hours to your life. You can eat Colorful Mushroom Soup 2 times a meal, and it costs 8,000bits. You can eat it about 7 or 8 times a day, gaining 21 or 24 hours to your life.

What is the highest level in Digimon World Next Order? ›

It's up to your playing style but for this trophy, you just need to reach the maximum level, which is 50. When you recruit Datamon, he can reset your tamer skills so you can change them every time you need.

How many days does it take to evolve Digimon next order? ›

It takes 6 in-game hours for a Fresh Digimon to evolve to it's In-Training form, and 1 day and 6 hours (24h) to evolve to a Rookie level. While these stages are consistent, the evolution to the Champion level may wary between reaching an age of 4 days and 6 hours, or 5 days and 5 hours (74h).

How many hours is Digimon next order? ›

How long does it take to beat Digimon World: Next Order? The estimated time to complete all 45 Digimon World: Next Order trophies is 150-200 hours. This estimate is based on the modal completion time from 13 TrueTrophies members that have completed the game.

What age is mega Digimon World Next Order? ›

From rookie to mega assuming you meet the requirements no issue and your partners are reborn at 06:00 then when they wake up after hitting age 4 they'll digivolve to champion, age 7 to ultimate and age 11 to mega.

How many endings will Digimon Survive have? ›

In total, there are five possible endings you can get, so to make sure you get the one you want, here's what you need to do to get each one in Digimon Survive. Note: There will be massive spoilers ahead for every ending in the game.

How old can a Digimon be? ›

Your Digimon can start digivolving to mega at age 10-11ish and they will last to age 20 if so.

How do you increase weight in Digimon World: Next Order? ›

Meat. Meat can be grown on farms or won from battles and is generally used to fill up your Digimon, or alter their weight. It's an ideal food for improving or stabilising a Digimon's mood. The rarer and more valuable meat will give a nice boost to your stats, too.

How do I heal my Digimon in next order? ›

Your Digimon has fallen ill and requires immediate medical care. This status can be cured through the use of Medicine, or through a visit to Centarumon's clinic in File City. A Digimon can fall sick by not being fed, not sleeping, eating rotten meat, or overworking it.

How to keep your Digimon alive in Digimon World: Next Order? ›

Seraphimon Rainbow Drink will extend life by about 3 hours with each use, and end game the Royal Knights will extend life by 12 hours each time you find them in the post game dungeons.

How long does it take to beat Digimon World: Next Order? ›

How long does it take to beat Digimon World: Next Order? The estimated time to complete all 45 Digimon World: Next Order trophies is 150-200 hours. This estimate is based on the modal completion time from 13 TrueTrophies members that have completed the game.

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